Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Second Town Hall Meeting Scheduled

A Town Hall Meeting on the Smathers Libraries 2009-2010 Budget has been scheduled for Monday, March 23rd. It will be held from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Smathers (Library East) Room 1A. Although this meeting is specific to the Smathers Libraries budget, not the Health Science Center Libraries, the Legal Information Center or FCLA budgets, it is an open meeting and individuals from those organizations are welcome to come.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the revisions to the proposed budget for the Smathers Libraries in advance of its submission to the Provost on April 1st. This will be an opportunity to receive a briefing on the updated proposal as well as to ask questions and provide comments.

Monday, March 2, 2009

DRAFT Budget Reduction Proposal

The PowerPoint presentation from the Town Hall Meeting held on Friday, February 27th, is available here on the blog and at:

You can provide your comments and questions through the blog, or you can speak to your department chair (or equivalent), the directors and associate deans, or to me. We will try to capture the verbal questions and comments and incorporate them into the blog so everyone will have the information.

You can also help by providing suggestions for the impact statements that will accompany every proposed cut. These statements need to address how the changes we are proposing will affect our users.

I would like to have all the questions and comments by March 17th, so we can prepare an updated proposal to share with you in another Town Hall Meeting on or about March 19th. That will give us time to make final revisions to the budget proposal that will be submitted to the Provost on April 1st.

Thank you all for the sincere efforts that you are making to help us identify, describe and prioritize the proposed cuts. I know this is very difficult for everyone.